Enclose in a sentence as a verb

You'll still need to enclose the back.• Tiny.

Prepare a server once, enclose it, make sure the only way in or out is an SSH connection.

You just enclose a variable and assign from within the callback.

Get over-the-ear headphones, the kind that physically enclose your entire ear.

> how often do you really see j or k inside the text of an atom?Just enclose j and k in parentheses on those rare occasions.

One thing i miss in languages like python that don't enclose blocks in {} is the convenience of using % to find the matching beginning/end of the block.

Every other phone suffers from the same antenna attenuation if you enclose it completely in your hands.

Of course, you can enclose the wrong amount of material, but to see what is being enclosed, you just need parenthesis matching support in the editor.

Lightweight enclosed vehicles are incredibly vulnerable to wind.

Two glaring errors in here:> The essence of monads is to use abstract types to enclose a mutable state [...]This is a common misconception, but terribly misleading.

Given that that article says that the supposedly-sealed lenses were also vulnerable, do you have advice on how one would successfully enclose a lens to protect it from the dust?

Enclose definitions


enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering; "Fog enveloped the house"

See also: envelop enfold enwrap wrap


close in; darkness enclosed him"

See also: confine


surround completely; "Darkness enclosed him"; "They closed in the porch with a fence"

See also: inclose


introduce; "Insert your ticket here"

See also: insert inclose introduce