Insectivorous in a sentence as an adjective

In reality insectivorous bats primarily eat larger, easier to catch prey like moths.

Probably still orders of magnitude less than the number that would be killed in insectivorous agriculture.

It is still suspicious that many insectivorous are being killed in mass by fungus epidemies.

Agreed?What are the insectivorous birds eating if their populations aren't declining?

DDT bio-accumulates and decimated many bird species, including insectivorous birds, the last time it was used.

In the wild, the only creatures that can hunt alone are apex predators Unless you count spiders, various insectivorous mammals and reptiles, snakes, single celled predators, etc.

It’s credible that the authors link the cascade to arthropod loss, Schowalter said, because “you have all these different taxa showing the same trends — the insectivorous birds, frogs and lizards — but you don’t see those among seed-feeding birds.”> Lister and Garcia attribute this crash to climate.

Do we really want to start an experiment that could lead to Europe losing decens of insectivorous birds overnight and episodes of famine in many points of Europe?Or... What if malaria strikes back being forced to jump to the next species of mosquito available, those able to stand cold temperatures that can be found in Scottland or Swedden?

Insectivorous definitions


(of animals and plants) feeding on insects