Ingress in a sentence as a noun

They are still behind a firewall, though, and you have just as much control over ingress and egress traffic as you did before.

But "ingress" is also an English language word, with a definition unrelated to what you're talking about.

The ingress traffic is what you actually have to haul a long distance, so the agreement says "you must meet us everywhere we peer, and you must maintain ratio.

I think the main reason that Apple doesn't include MicroSD is that they want to control the entire product experience, including data ingress and egress.

Basically every entity got their own 32 bit address space and ingress/egress to the Internet resulted in encapsulation and some additional router magic.

That's why the 'ingress' feature to poke a temporary hole in the database firewall was dropped as too marginal given the fairly severe inconvenience of it all -- it had the feel of a weird Heroku-ism, especially in light of the lack of attacks using unauthenticated clients on Postgres, until this date.

Ingress definitions


(astronomy) the disappearance of a celestial body prior to an eclipse

See also: immersion


the act of entering; "she made a grand entrance"

See also: entrance entering entry incoming