Infotainment in a sentence as a noun

No, the in-built car infotainment is built on QNX.

Each of these papers has its strengths and weaknesses, but "infotainment" is not the main weakness.

I am in a "humanity is doomed" mode today and could use some dark infotainment.

This kind of data is why I still pay attention to financial infotainment "news".

Can't compare learning a professional tool to that of lay infotainment service.

I could see a stream of nothing but VNRs eventually replacing TV infotainment as we know it today.

Support is planned for smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment, and smart tvs, and it's not even released yet?

It's not information, it's "infotainment".All it leads to is more people who are no longer able to even consider other viewpoints.

It's not that "the people" can't change society, they just don't want to think about it and would rather watch television, whether that be sports, sitcoms, or infotainment.

" day your washing machine, stove, or even car infotainment system will run on webOS"[1]If this is truly the direction they're heading then webOS is dead to me anyhow.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla itself implemented everything seen in the video in the Model S's next infotainment/firmware upgrade.

" -- concerns me. Tesla's car computer is becoming increasingly complex, and the fact that the infotainment system will have such complete control over the car -- and will still accept data from outside sources -- is very concerning.

For example, PCs are great for high I/O tasks like authoring and formal communication, while smartphones are great for low I/O tasks such as consuming infotainment and informal communication.

> The world doesn't need another way to spoon-feed infotainment to well-off people with good academic backgroundsActually, that is exactly what the world needs, and the comments here further emphasize that the demand is there.

"Establishment journalism has long slipped entirely into infotainment.

Combine that with the consolidation of media, the fall of investigative journalism, and a 24 hour news cycle which has devolved news into infotainment, and it is little wonder that the populace is woefully ignorant.

The goal should be to enact a vector of a new paradigm, as proactive team players synergize an out-of-the-box strategy of functionality and infotainment, re-engineering the learning curve framework of your dotted-line relationship.

They're sitting there fuming that they could be making money doing their business as usual showing Kardashian bikini pictures, talking about Apples new iPhone, cross promoting their networks primetime sitcom offerings tonight, celebrity guest interviews about lasagna recipes, all the "greats" of infotainment, but this bastard is forcing them to talk about non-profitable non-infotainment topics, so he makes them mad. Just like forcing me to write about ladies fashion would make me mad.

Has it occurred to you that there might be a use-case mismatch between treating a social network as a source of always-on, in-your-face infotainment and a communications vehicle with imperfect yet valued human beings you know and care about?Or do you expect everyone you know to be excellent, always-interesting, content curators?

Infotainment definitions


a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

See also: documentary docudrama