Inflate in a sentence as a verb

In the past, companies would inflate the price in the USA to make up for reduced prices elsewhere.

I also think it's far easier to inflate the value of companies here for a variety of reasons.

Hence, they market themselves and over inflate how important their contribution is.

Economists aren't arguing that we should inflate our way out of debt--they are arguing that we should return to the historical norm.

* Complexity of simple tasks: Let's try not to artificially inflate the complexity of the Git tasks.

One way this was stopped was to argue that it was not legal for the ISP to charge you for data, then artificially inflate the size of that data by injecting ads.

For example, an ex YouTuber friend of mine told me a long time ago how pissed him and other YouTubers were at google+ being shoved down their throats to inflate Plus metrics.

The problem is you can't inflate a high R-value pad without pressure - the reason his inflates so fast is there is no insulation, no down, no pockets, so the air can just go right in.

I don't know why, if that's because I'm across an ocean or whatever, but I have the feeling that ~3K characters of human text should not inflate by an order of magnitude with markup.

I think Google is trying to inflate its G+ numbers in order to seem competitive with Facebook, so its basically a dick-size contest with users getting caught in the middle.

This is just a distributional game in which China pays for infrastructure by using public policy to inflate bank earnings and then banks approve questionable local projects.

RapGenius bought backlinks to artificially inflate their pagerank.

Measuring at only 1Khz is generally indicative of a crappy amplifier manufacturer looking to inflate their power numbers.

Since real money is involved and salaries and careers are riding on this number going up, they'll employ all kinds of perverse and intrusive tricks in order to inflate that number every quarter for as long as it is a measure of success.

Either collectively the valley is colluding to not inflate wages, or, more likely, the problem isn't as big as many companies are making it out to be and those companies want to bring in foreign workers to help put deflationary pressure on wages.

I haven't paid for cable or satellite for most of those 8 years, and I've always tried my hardest to understand the driving forces behind Netflix's decisions, such as raising prices to manage skyrocketing license costs, and segregating streaming and DVD services so that the DVD customers don't artificially inflate streaming numbers to negatively affect licensing contracts.

Inflate definitions


exaggerate or make bigger; "The charges were inflated"

See also: expand amplify


fill with gas or air; "inflate a balloons"


cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit; "The war inflated the economy"


increase the amount or availability of, creating a rise in value; "inflate the currency"


become inflated; "The sails ballooned"

See also: balloon billow