Inflaming in a sentence as a noun

Do we to start another debate with an inflaming article?

Oh no. People are swearing!Woman, cover your ankles, you're inflaming my sexual ardour!

I guess my point was that Israel's actions are inflaming "the open wound" and Anonymous' reaction is part of that.

Those people repeat the 35-year figure precisely because they do regard it as significant and, often, reiterate it as a way of inflaming people's passions.

And if it is emotional and bad nor good arguments are influencing he's simply Glen Beck pandering to a group that simply agrees with him already and inflaming those that don't?

They say the chapters already published by WikiLeaks, ones on the environment and intellectual property, strained talks by inflaming interest groups.

My first response is always to edit the post to express my ideas more clearly, my second is to consider if the comment is doing little more than inflaming passions for no benefit to the community.

I hope it doesn't take the Chinese as long America did to figure out that regional hegemony can be more effectively achieved by not trying to redraw lines of sovereignty and thereby inflaming nationalism.

From the article: "But the big difference between Skype and most Silicon Valley venture-backed companies--a difference that is inflaming this scandal--is that Skype is a private-equity deal, not a venture capital deal.

We've discarded the technical brilliance and direction of this man because a few noisy people disagreed with his political beliefs, which he expressed politely and quietly, never intentionally inflaming anyone.

Inflaming definitions


arousal to violent emotion

See also: inflammation