Indignant in a sentence as an adjective

Yeah we get it, she messed up and you're indignant.. now shut the **** up.

People view Steve through rose colored glasses and then become indignant whenever those glasses get knocked off.

Impossible?Seems to me like you're indignant with a touch of ego: "How dare he pretend to do my job.

" replied the farmer, almost bewildered at such an indignant question.

If people are voting up TechCrunch stories as opposed to flagging them, that's your poll result right there in real life action rather than indignant votes.

> indignant mob bitching at usAny chance that every month or so a moderator makes a bad decision and the mob calls it out correctly?

All day long we quietly fix breakage, and every month or so we revert a title that someone was attached to, and we get an indignant mob bitching at us.

Are you so used to people kowtowing to indignant internet hordes that an authentic voice explaining his position just confuses you?and why should he issue an apology?

They're indignant that "the weak" aren't dropping off as quick as they'd like, and that normal people have to compete harder as a result because the people who used to drop off around 30-35 hours per day can now go to the standard 40-50 or more.

I know it's really fun to be indignant that others encouraging you to have a good time is so totally unfair, but it's really no different than people saying "No seriously, The Wire is ******* fantastic!

To me it is not bike-shedding, but being rightfully indignant with decisions being made not by merit but from a position of "authority", completely ignoring the opinion of the majority of people presenting pretty logical arguments in favour of the change.

If you run a private wiki/forum/whatever, it's not uncommon to run into people attempting to "organically" contribute links to themselves, who seem to think they're being very clever and incognito when in fact their contributions look spammy from a mile away, and then get extremely indignant and try to raise an internet-stink when you delete their contributions.

Indignant definitions


angered at something unjust or wrong; "an indignant denial"; "incensed at the judges' unfairness"; "a look of outraged disbelief"; "umbrageous at the loss of their territory"

See also: incensed outraged umbrageous