Incensed in a sentence as an adjective

You may get some incensed priests vituperating you in their blogs.

I would feel incensed at the thought of having been lied to and betrayed by my hierarchy.

As somebody that very rarely buys tools, it's hard not to feel a little incensed.

That's the one where Gruber seemed incensed at the recording app... Apple's wasn't even the first iOS app that looked like that.

I was incensed that such a fundamental and critical flaw was allowed to exist for so long.

It is a noble endeavor to become incensed about a cause and risk arrest or toil without acclamation for one’s deeply held beliefs.

This is what people mean when they say "prosecutorial discretion" and why people are so incensed by the discretion shown here... and over and over by this DA.

This further incensed varied and sundry "hacking" organizations which began to target Sony.

So for most significant transgressions against the 'culture', the voters get indignant, outraged, incensed, infuriated, and up on their hind legs and vote!

I performed what is apparently called a 'shoryuken' by a colleague when I became incensed over the fire alarm screaming out over a fried egg I had allowed to smoke.

He is justifiably incensed at the negative media attention surrounding a very small number of incidents.

> why on earth would anybody be outraged or otherwise incensed by this?Many people, including mental health experts and human rights advocates, believe that solitary confinement is essentially torture.

To me , the classless one is the Tumblr guy getting incensed with a barely-related-possibly-in-the-near-future-if-they-dont-pivot startup that was getting funded.

How much money did he donate?Barack Obama was so incensed at the idea of gays getting the right to marriage, that he 'stood' on a national stage, while running for the highest office in the land, and declared that marriage is between a man and a woman - an open declaration of bigotry.

Incensed definitions


angered at something unjust or wrong; "an indignant denial"; "incensed at the judges' unfairness"; "a look of outraged disbelief"; "umbrageous at the loss of their territory"

See also: indignant outraged umbrageous