Indentured in a sentence as an adjective

That really does make it an "indentured servant slave visa".

They really should call them "indentured servant slave visas".

There is still a major problem of indentured servitude.

The home -- the "American dream" -- has become a tool of indentured servitude and bank fiefdom.

H1-B leaves a person in a limbo world where they are essentially an indentured servant of the company.

Who would hire a smart worker when a dumb worker can be tricked into doing the same job for less?This is why we ban contracts involving slavery and indentured servitude.

It is not protectionism at all to level the playing field, America was built on immigration, but the H1B is indentured servitude.

These companies have figured out that they can squeeze a little more profit out of their business model by bringing in Indians who will write code for less money and can't job-hop because they're indentured by their visa status.

You will then study extraordinarily hard and test into a good university. You will be hired by a large Japanese megacorp along with 200 people from your university. You will then be a salaryman, owned body and soul by your company, and worked in conditions which resemble indentured servitude for roughly your first 20 to 25 years.

Given that the terms change from what the worker originally agreed to - for example, a lot of these work camps don't bother paying the workers, and freedom to roam is curtailed - it's more analagous to slavery than indentured servitude.

Currently, we already see mass indentured servitude, but we say it's not that big a deal because[1] The indentured are immigrants[2] The indentured are in un-developed countries[3] The indentured are "ghetto", "*****", or "gangster", which is seen as pretty equivalent to [2]

If someone had ordered my business to do something like this, I would have said "You build a working filter without any help from me and you can order me to install it if it is compatible, but you can't order me to build a working filter because that's indentured servitude"

And that whole decade was immediately full of labor unrest, most famously the Haymarket riot, but including thousands of strikes, protests, and other "labor disturbances" across the country, due to a feeling that industrialists were getting rich by treating their employees as quasi indentured servants.

After thirty years of looking the other way on all of these things, what on earth could possibly ever even remotely raise our eyebrows and make us do something other than participate in the attention-occupying busy-body ******** of "durr durr republicans are stupid and evil" and "durr durr democrats are stupid and evil" my team versus yours ********?Maybe if the government and corporations decided that it was just easier to require that all births be sponsored to make sure they can be cared for until adulthood and then those sponsored children become indentured servants for their sponsor company until the age of 40 .

Indentured definitions


bound by contract

See also: apprenticed articled bound