Indecisiveness in a sentence as a noun

To change one's mind is to project weakness and indecisiveness.

This is a cool extension that acts as a nice forcing function for my indecisiveness.

That's more of extreme indecisiveness that turned into the first kind of lazy.

I also don't think ambivalence and indecisiveness are the same thing.

>>Hire fast / fire fast is fine, but seeing a founder do this is a big red flag for me. It screams indecisiveness, lack of confidence, and mediocrity.

Perhaps a better title would have been the perils of indecisiveness, or having a lack of focus, or doing too much at once.

I love that Yahoo, after sooo many years of indecisiveness, is being decisive and bold.

Why are you trying to hire the ones who will?Hire fast / fire fast is fine, but seeing a founder do this is a big red flag for me. It screams indecisiveness, lack of confidence, and mediocrity.

Thinking back its laid out how it is mainly due to some old indecisiveness around what our pricing was going to look like, and its just sort of grown.

A lot of people have a problem with indecisiveness when it comes to deciding where to eat and a large reason for this attribute is money.

It was brush-metal, then just white, then just gray, then all of them at the same time in different windows, sometimes with candy buttons, sometimes now. It was probably due more to Jobs' indecisiveness.

Ambivalence says "don't care" or "not interested", whereas indecisiveness says "not sure" or "confused".

If they are helping me and I do try to take my time to make the decision I always get the impression of mounting frustration at my indecisiveness.

They approach it with a casualness and an indecisiveness which would not work in any other context where something expensive and custom was being built from scratch.

To indicate the indecisiveness on terminology, Wikipedia interchangeably refers to the Union or the North. It's absolutely about the differences with the North and the South.

It's not really something that's instituted from the top down but rather the laziness, indecisiveness, incuriousness, and acrimoniousness of the average American.

The indecisiveness part is obvious - not only is not being able to hire without a trial period a mark of indecisiveness by itself, it's also a hedge against future indecisiveness in getting rid of employees that don't work out.

The insignificant time it takes for code review is the first thing that gets nixed by non-technical management even when the time required for bug fixes, last-minute changes due to their own indecisiveness, and slow development due to giving employees second-rate hardware far eclipse the marginal time it takes to make sure we're deploying halfway decent code to production.

Indecisiveness definitions


doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action; "his indecision was only momentary but the opportunity was lost"

See also: indecision irresolution


the trait of irresolution; a lack of firmness of character or purpose; "the king's incurable indecisiveness caused turmoil in his court"

See also: indecision