Impersonation in a sentence as a noun

Oh. They slipped and fell on that impersonation code?

Having done my time in the tech support trenches, I do one **** of an "end user" impersonation.

This is what charges of criminal impersonation are for.

Then we can all include a check for potential impersonation in account-creation code.

I would rather call it "censorship" and "impersonation" instead of "quality".

The last time a young lady asked me what I did for a living I did the Old Spice guy impersonation and mentioned I was getting flown abroad to do it for an audience.

How do you protect against impersonation using look-alike letters?This is, as far as I know, not yet a solved problem even at the domain name level[0], and it's likely to open a whole new can of worms at the account level.

> The question is, was the punishment proportional to the crime?Well yeah, repeated trademark infringement / impersonation; if Google wasn't strict about that kinda thing, the owners of those brands would sue them for millions, just as much as they were with Youtube.

Impersonation definitions


a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect

See also: caricature imitation


pretending to be another person

See also: imposture


imitating the mannerisms of another person

See also: personation