Impermeable in a sentence as an adjective

All the fake tan and glitter make us nigh-impermeable to the elements

And that it's later discovered that all stars have the same shell, which is impermeable from the outside.

In that way I think the SQ impedance barrier in the article is much more impermeable than the article implies.

Cork is valuable because it's fire and rot resistant, and also quite impermeable.

Roads, shopping centers and other landscape features are either impermeable or are designed to divert water "away".

They couldn't figure out how to make a touch screen, the processor wasn't available, Sir Ive's case was impermeable to RF, the LCD was causing interference on the multitouch display, etc...

I'd prefer this technology goes away, but if it doesn't, I'd be more comfortable if there was an impermeable wall between the people who see the scans and the people who select passengers for scanning.

>To begin with, the vertical depth separation between drinking water aquifers and reservoir targets for gas production is several thousand feet of impermeable rock.

To begin with, the vertical depth separation between drinking water aquifers and reservoir targets for gas production is several thousand feet of impermeable rock.

Unfortunately, the best sites for such a long term storage facility would be in the northeast under a geologically stable mountain made of impermeable granite, but those sites were removed from consideration by congressional fiat a while back.

We've been working on this for seventy years now, and however much the government subsidizes it, however many disasters we have, however many "new designs" are tried, however many "impermeable" storage depots are built, nuclear power always comes up with more ways to fail.

Impermeable definitions


preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through; "impermeable stone"; "an impermeable layer of scum"; "a coat impermeable to rain"