Immunocompromised in a sentence as an adjective

The immunocompromised have few options other than to rely on the rest of us to get vaccinated.

The most urgent danger is to the very young, old, or immunocompromised because of illness or therapy.

I wouldn't suspect that every mouse in England is immunocompromised.

Think of how awesome that is for immunocompromised people!The vaccine will be a critical link in a long chain that will hopefully save thousands, and thousands of lives.

It's really not a terrible prognosis, especially in the first world where the vast majority are not immunocompromised.

In someone who is pathologically immunocompromised, you should 100% be wearing a mask around them normally.

Several are unaware that immunocompromised or allergic patients cannot be given the vaccine.

4 in 10 chance that if they notice you're infected, you'll die - doesn't count all the countless people who are infected but not immunocompromised, so their bodies keep the infections in check or actively destroy them.

- Afraid parents may have relatives who are immunocompromised, or may be immunocompromised themselves.

General thoughts: Cancer patients—in particular those with blood cancers—are routinely immunocompromised and put on antibiotics.

Capable of being intelligently released if it detects you are exposed to a specific flu strain, this enables the immunocompromised to be "just-in-time vaccinated".

If they are simply elderly or at-risk, let's get them vaccinated!My mom is elderly and very vulnerable, but she is not pathologically immunocompromised.

The issue is not just risk to vaccinated children, but risk to the legitimately unvaccinated - too young, immunocompromised, any other condition that's scientifically known to make vaccination unsafe.

However, it's damn hard to accept that line of reasoning when those opinions lead to a decrease in herd immunity and put the lives of immunocompromised individuals, such as myself, and others at risk because of pseudoscience, a single debunked study, and a former porn star.

My reading of the monkey paper you cited earlier demonstrates to me a clear mechanism for reduction in viral shedding through the lower airway, thus reducing viral transmission through respiratory droplets during vocalization!I don't think you're drawing a distinction between pathologically immunocompromised individuals, and individuals who may not have as robust an immune response as others, but who can receive a vaccine.

So isn't any rational response to the question What is to be done with the immunocompromised?, in part, to stop compromising people's immune systems by screwing up their microbiomes?Yes, people become immunocompromised in other ways, but I'd wager that a large portion of compromised immune function in modern society is caused by our screwing around with antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents on a large scale without understanding what the **** we're doing.

Immunocompromised definitions


unable to develop a normal immune response usually because of malnutrition or immunodeficiency or immunosuppressive therapy