Immunoassay in a sentence as a noun

Pinnacle BioLabs in the US is taking preorders for their rapid immunoassay kit. $40 a test or $20/ea in packs of 25.

Edit: I'm not sure about t-cell vs b-cell responses in immunoassays, can anyone with experience point out what is going on with these peptides?

It's also impossible to know that you don't have celiac disease unless you've had an immunoassay that comes up negative. Not all celiac cases show severe GI symptoms.

Either they abandoned the effort, or are still trying, but they haven't launched a single microfluidic immunoassay.

Which is more accurate, a Laboratory-based immunoassays using using serum or RDT blood samples from a finger stick?

A cannabinoids immunoassay will tend to react with most of the cannabinoid-esque compounds. so, it's not a question of whether or not the test will "show" CBD, but rather, how much CBD is necessary to get the test to think there was an interesting/actionable amount of THC in the sample.

If a doctor orders an immunoassay and a pathogen test for a patient, it's close to physically impossible to run both tests on Theranos's much touted "single drop of blood". You would be using up portions of an already tiny sample to perform the reactions necessary for each test.

When you design anything - a rocket engine, an immunoassay product, whatever - it should be part of the work to document the assumptions, calculations, and rationale for the design to a degree that somebody skilled in the art could follow your work when you're gone.

It sounds like the blog is about a method of detecting viral particles directly, perhaps using an immunoassay based on the wiki for SPR, but not to test for antibodies directly. And in terms of medical records laws, the regulatory environment has loosened so quickly with the advent of this virus that I'm sure regulators and legislators will be favorable to making it easier for the company if the test demonstrates the appropriate sensitivity and specificity in clinical trials.

The paper A fluorescence sandwich immunoassay for the real-time continuous detection of glucose and insulin in live animals [1]: > Here we show that multiple analytes can be continuously and simultaneously measured with picomolar sensitivity and sub-second resolution via the integration of aptamers and antibodies into a bead-based fluorescence sandwich immunoassay implemented in a custom microfluidic chip. After an incubation time of 30 s, bead fluorescence is measured using a high-speed camera under spatially multiplexed two-colour laser illumination.

Immunoassay definitions


identification of a substance (especially a protein) by its action as an antigen; "PSA in the blood can be measured with an immunochemical assay"