Imbroglio in a sentence as a noun

I think the AT&T legal imbroglio had little to do to the comparative success of the GNU/Linux system.

Regardless of what you may thing about their recent imbroglio with Google, these guys are doers. Nothing especially new here for hackers, but you have to love the Rap Genius guys' scrappiness.

This whole imbroglio was a painful learning experience for me. For several years before I bought my used jetta TDI, I started looking into Bio Diesel.

It's also possible a small to mid size organization gets into some imbroglio on Twitter and realizes they need a CDO to try and stop the bad PR.

Really shitty to publicly announce a firing, regardless of how much of an imbroglio has formed around the situation. I think it would've gotten out without the press release, enough people are watching.

Yes. The discussions on HN dont go deep enough to look at the antecedents of the current imbroglio. Human brains are weak to a variety of manipulations.

The Psystar imbroglio is a statement of how evil Apple can be about competition these days. It even seems that after stopping attracting the best and brightest, they started attracting former Microsoft minions...

This entire imbroglio has doubtlessly netted MVC a very rich upcoming "worst of HN" piece. Joy. Substantively: why should the previous behavior of the reporter matter one bit?

I saw this note also and wished it indicated some second thoughts by Apple after the Facebook email imbroglio. Realistically it probably just indicates a delay to coincide with the iOS 6 / new iPhone release.

I didn't know about fuzzers before this whole imbroglio\n-- not denoted as such, at least. If you know `crashme` you already know one fuzzer, which "intended to test the\nrobustness of Unix and Unix-like operating systems by executing random machine\ninstructions."

* The NSA imbroglio resembles McCarthyism in some ways. * Segregation and civil rights are still significant issues in some parts of the country; the battle has simply moved away from "offical" fights into more indirect fighting using tactics like "school vouchers" and "redlining".

I’m embroiled myself in a weird administration imbroglio, and they have shined so far, but I’ll let you know. More important than an isolated case in a jar, what you need to care about is immigration: any Southern European nationalist will decry your policy as a potential tsunami from Africa.

Stealing tech from Cisco : Eighteen months before the Supercomm imbroglio erupted, Cisco accused Huawei in January 2003 of copying its software and manuals—the first time Huawei had to fight a major international allegation of its theft. “They have made verbatim copies of whole portions of Cisco’s user manuals,” Cisco said in its lawsuit.

This is an interesting debacle on a number of "online media" levels - both that the people involved are all known within that circle, but also that this imbroglio itself is a demonstration of some curious properties of online media and how it relates to both disputes and law.

Imbroglio definitions


an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation

See also: embroilment


a very embarrassing misunderstanding