Imaginary in a sentence as a noun

I just spent half an hour of my life rooting for imaginary cars that ceased to exist as soon as I closed the tab.

"You were repulsed by the above description of this imaginary site.

That defines an imaginary sphere in space, which intersects with the earth's surface to form a circular locus of where the plane could have been at the time.

There are in fact religions that do not involve "imaginary friends" and interfere little with modern scientific outlook.

This is the moment where you have to implant the habit of asking - not yourself, but an imaginary judge:"If I defer task X, will it become easier later?

But in the general case it does seem that it allows people to skip the boring work and get groups of people fighting for badges and imaginary credibility to do it for you.

Imaginary in a sentence as an adjective

And yet, the sheer mathematics of it -- twenty thousand tenants divided by sixty floors is around three hundred per floor -- makes me smile at so many imaginary hallway interactions.

Injecting activities artificially onto a user's Back Stack based on some arbitrary and imaginary path that they might have taken to get there is horrible.

In the name of "protection" from real or imaginary dangers politicians, bureaucrats and autocrats will enforce Internet monitoring within a lot of countries.

Big lumps of money, that seem imaginary to them are dangled in front of their eyes, and they're introduced to former gladiators that have attained fame and glory and were able to buy their freedom, all for the purpose of encouraging the gladiators to fight to the death.

When you examine the topic at a level beyond "it's theft", you may conclude that imaginary property is unsustainable in a world with private communications, decide privacy is the more worthy goal, and view those corrupting justice to preserve dying business models as the crooks.

If you ask someone in our field at random to visualize an elite startup hacker and then take bets on the attributes of that imaginary person, you would be nuts to bet on anything but "male", "English-speaking", "20-40", and "white or Asian".25-year-old English-speaking white males have a privilege, whether they like it or not, because they fit into everyone's mold of a startup hacker.

Imaginary definitions


(mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1


not based on fact; unreal; "the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties"- F.D.Roosevelt; "a small child's imaginary friends"; "to create a notional world for oneself"

See also: fanciful notional