Illustrate in a sentence as a verb

If this doesn't illustrate how messed up the system is, I don't know what will.

""Let me use the third example in your screenshots to illustrate.

Make blog posts that illustrate how you'd improve unity.

"But it uses a silly writing device to illustrate a point it could have just made plainly!

Nothing major, but they illustrate the problem very well.

This just helps illustrate the absurdity of the US patent system.

As a man, I find it easiest to illustrate the problem to other men by simply asking them to substitute 'man' for 'woman'.Who can say "what men want".

Third, by deciding how much to illustrate its usage with examples from existing literature.

I use these just as an example to illustrate the differences in what's considered important, and of what people are vigilant, between the two nations.

The accompanying motto seems: "If you cannot archive perfection, don’t even bother starting.“To illustrate my point; My wife might ask me to purchase something for her.

A simple way to illustrate this is that if you have a screenshot of your application being used to play Madonna tracks, you are obligated to hunt down those tracks and remove them yourself.

Many of the ideas about how to mine Bitcoins, store Bitcoins, and trade with Bitcoins as a medium of exchange illustrate both the strengths and weaknesses of any other medium of exchange in a world full of human beings.

It is also unfair to take him to task for quoting from a publicly available source to support his idea of what the experiences of startup employees have been like in Silicon Valley - if the goal is to illustrate such experiences, then what better source to use than a diary whose purpose was precisely to document them.

My proposal for a duel is, of course, a sample size of 1 plus the number of smart drug users who come forth to take the duel, and has other problems as a data-gathering measure, but I offer the duel to illustrate that I think that anyone can improve in smarts, for any real-world purpose, in a lot of ways that are better than taking poorly understood ***** pushed by smart drug hucksters.

Illustrate definitions


clarify by giving an example of

See also: exemplify instance


depict with an illustration


supply with illustrations; "illustrate a book with drawings"