Idiocy in a sentence as a noun

There's a reason Florida is known for weirdness and general idiocy.

What kind of idiocy is this? This is the FBI's job -- to monitor both foreign and domestic groups of national scope that might present some kind of threat to civil order.

And I don't _ever_ want to hear that kind of obvious garbage and idiocy from a kernel maintainer again. Seriously.

There was no good solution that didn't come with risks, but it certainly wasn't a result of "idiocy" as you flippantly imply.

As far as political repercussions, california is not a two party state any more, so there's no one to capitalize on the idiocy of the folks in power. i guess, we reap what we sow.

The idiocy of the "they hate our freedoms" statement has been weighing on me lately. I agree that caving to a terrorist's demands immediately is a bad thing to do because it encourages a violent approach to change, which we shouldn't do.

It boggles my mind, given the big money involved, why so many people continue to bet huge sums of cash on the proven short-term penny-wise/pound-foolish idiocy of MBA-think. I mean sure-- if your company is under cash flow pressure you have to pinch pennies.

What I have seen, though, is a lot of pathetic doom-and-gloom and sky-is-falling idiocy from the right wing -- people crying about how "my country is done for" and other such stupidity.

There has been discussions about in in the media in recent years, and I believe that most people understood that forbidding those girls to have security is an idiocy.

"if GoDaddy users are actually taking actions" There has been so much past idiocy from GoDaddy, that I'm surprised there are all that many HN readers left with them now anyway.

If a backend is coded this poorly, it betrays irreparable and highly dangerous levels of idiocy, laziness, and lack of foresight in the ones who coded it. Everyone deserves to be informed of this blunder so they know to avoid this group like the plague.

Absolute, obvious idiocy. For some reason people have forgotten how to do basic reasoning about work environments and just subscribe to whatever cargo-cult office-space fad of the time without regard to the nature of the work environment.

Does anyone have a reasonable justification for the lawmakers' actions or is it really just a mix of idiocy, vindictiveness, and appeasement of local donors?

This is the closest he's come to keeping his campaign pledges to reverse the idiocy of the Bush era, but he failed, and then he even reversed his own executive order in 2011. Like suspension of habeas rights, like warrantless wiretaps, like drone warfare, like the TSA, President Obama didn't make these things, but he still chooses to use them.

The fact that Kickstarter seems to allow this also takes away from their credibility, not to mention the complete idiocy of allowing the campaign to collect over $20k. The again, I guess if you are massively cheap, have zero integrity and don't mind ruining your reputation for less than 1/1000th of your net worth I guess it's a good idea.

Facebook jumped the shark when all those horrible, ugly apps started polluting the thing with idiocy. The editorial incompetence and general awfulness of the ecosystem was astonishing.

Presumably the government think that showing a misleading picture may be worse than not showing one at all, which is not complete idiocy. This mirror apparently doesn't really suffer from that problem, but the legislation didn't anticipate it - which isn't really surprising, it's hardly realistic to expect them to foresee this development.

We will be spared the logical contortions required to explain away the obvious immorality and idiocy of many of the people running these institutions. We will avoid the corruption of language and thought that necessarily follows from attempting the impossible task of policing an unspecifiable morality.

> Caught between atheism and a crippling fear of death, Ray Kurzweil and other futurists feed this mischaracterization by trumpeting the impending technological apotheosis of humanity, their breathless idiocy echoing through popular media. An unexpected jab in the second-last paragraph, seems the author has some strong opinions about AI. I wonder how he'd respond to Hawking's recently newsworthy worries.

To alter this manifesto to include 'dumb things' is dangerous because first, it devalues the idiocy of his claims; second, readers will be more tempted to read it for the "good parts" while ignoring the "dumb parts"--who knows what parts were added, anyway? They'll be reading about the evils of Islam and multicultralism without understanding the fact--or dismissing it--that his ideas fit in a bizarre megalomaniacal framework of fantasy European domination, and deserve extreme scrutiny and mistrust.

Idiocy definitions


extreme mental retardation

See also: amentia