Hypnosis in a sentence as a noun

I also have a folder of sleeping and hypnosis apps that I cycle through.

They mentioned something they called "highway hypnosis" [1], a trance-like state which they wanted to avoid.

The same idea comes up in hypnosis, where it is said that the unconscious mind drops the "not" and simply receives the images that are given.

One thing I learned from hypnosis is that most of us are a lot more ready to submit to authority than we seem - far more than we believe we are.

People still discussing any other problem than money in politics are under a strong, remotely-induced hypnosis.

It was surprisingly simple to learn how to do hypnosis, as well -- it's mostly a matter of projecting a relaxing demeanor and being able to read body language.

She went on, explaining that the hypnotist "hypnotized" the audience to select the person they would have on-stage, by convincing them to raise both of their arms, then selecting the person that raised their arms under hypnosis the highest, because they are the one with the greatest connection.

I would bet that if a study were done where volunteers were asked to sleep on an airline flight until they reached the gate at their destination and were interviewed under hypnosis a bit later, they would probably remember things like the announcement to put away electronic devices.

Hypnosis definitions


a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion