Hyperthyroidism in a sentence as a noun

That sounds like hyperthyroidism - You should get your blood checked.

The title of the article doesn’t says that hyperthyroidism is 20x times higher because of flame retardants.

She went for another check-up in June due to her breathlessness and found that she had hyperthyroidism.

My mum has intermittent hyperthyroidism, it took almost 3 years for them to figure out they had to take a test when it was acting up to get a result.

And it possibly aggravates hyperthyroidism in some people, though I don't know of any conclusive studies.

If I were losing 60 or 70 pounds a month due to hyperthyroidism, I'd request that my thyroid be removed and I'd probably then be prescribed levothyroxine.

We see the data that says that cats in 1995 had 20x lower rates of hyperthyroidism, but we don't have any additional information on how many cats were actually being screened for that.

Hyperthyroidism definitions


an overactive thyroid gland; pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones or the condition resulting from excessive production of thyroid hormones

See also: thyrotoxicosis