Hyperopia in a sentence as a noun

I'm fairly sure myopia or hyperopia aren't caused by your choice of career, or vice-versa.

I personally have hyperopia, so a bit of added myopia might actually help.

Refractive lens exchange can be a good option for high myopia/hyperopia after 60, and can be considered after 45.

They are hard contact lenses you wear during the night, and they reshape your cornea during the night so that your my/hyperopia just dissappears during the day.

I've no sympathy for them, but pointing fingers saying "they've weaponized the internet" is severe hyperopia.

>You can't develop myopia or hyperopia after your eyes/skull/orbital muscles are done growing.

You can't develop myopia or hyperopia after your eyes/skull/orbital muscles are done growing.

Certainly myopia would be a trivial fix since the image could be placed directly in front of the eye, but how would you correct for hyperopia without a convex lens between the eye and the display?

Hyperopia definitions


abnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is better than for near objects

See also: hypermetropia hypermetropy farsightedness longsightedness