Hyperbolic in a sentence as an adjective

Also very hyperbolic, I know....but I believe it to be true.

"I can't tell if the author is being hyperbolic or is just out of touch with reality.

This comment thread is why the internet is bashing so hard on HN. This is so extremely negative and hyperbolic, It's hard to understand.

I'm not trying to be hyperbolic but that's really shocking for a company that is trying to play a role as a financial institution.

Ambitious, I suppose, but the title of this submission is definitely hyperbolic.

Raymond's quip may be somewhat hyperbolic for effect, but I think it's harder to argue with the assertion that "with many eyes, many bugs are shallow".

They seem to always end up in hyperbolic, very personal polemics, like this one. Look up his encounters over the years with Bruce Perens, or RMS several times, or anyone ESR considers a "left-liberal".

In allusion to the original, the phrase “A Modest Proposal” is used to introduce suggestions that are satirical, hyperbolic, and sarcastic.

What next, are you going to suggest that parents name their children gender neutral names so they don't have to chaff at it if they change gender? You can infer everything, from anything if you try.

Maybe it's because I just made the egregious mistake of getting drawn into a gun-control debate with a friend and his friends on Facebook, but hyperbolic arguments by analogy feel really silly, cheap, and disingenuous to me right now...

Hyperbolic definitions


enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness; "a hyperbolic style"

See also: inflated


of or relating to a hyperbola; "hyperbolic functions"