Hunker in a sentence as a verb

Maybe it's time I hunker down and do it.

" -> "We hunker down and use lead bullets" -> magic -> "Boom.

The storm was right overhead, so we hunkered down.

Frankly that's the version you get away from, not hunker down on.

In this case, it was pretty much hunker down and get it done in 4 months, or wait another year.

This is a chance to hunker down figure out what people want and the right way to deliver it.

If you managed to hunker down and make something on your own, you're already ahead of the unwashed masses.

When you build up your life around 1994 rents, you ignore the housing problem in SF and hunker down in the home you happened upon in 1994.

Today hurricanes do not hit land by surprise, we have enough time to warn people so that they can evacuate or hunker down.

Some founder/technical CEOs wish they could just hunker down and code half or all of the time and are too afraid to go out and do the marketing, writing, and customer service thing at full steam.

Hunker definitions


sit on one's heels; "In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting"; "The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm"

See also: squat crouch scrunch