Humiliate in a sentence as a verb

This is just another stick to beat and humiliate women with.

It's really fun to watch them humiliate themselves in Valleywag.

They can and will irritate, inconvenience and humiliate you.

Instead they go behind him and perform the tasks and hope he doesn't find out, cause if he does he will pull rank and humiliate them.....Venting over.

To see Ban Ki-moon say when some people use this freedom of expression to provoke or humiliate some others values and beliefs, then this cannot be protected.?

You think it's OK to humiliate and torture them because they're terrorists, they think it's OK to behead us because of religion and nationality.

We would talk to each other in the middle of a lecture and the teacher didn't go on a massive power trip trying to punish and humiliate us in front of all the other students.

The sad truth is that what was done here is too far advanced for most of us so people can't comment on the actual content and instead decide to publicly humiliate a disabled person.

Way better to humiliate people by parading them in front of the world press, and make sure their careers are destroyed without having to bother with silly stuff like facts and evidence, the way they do things in the US.

Humiliate definitions


cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss"

See also: mortify chagrin humble abase