Humanity in a sentence as a noun

"I swear, De Beers has probably pulled off the greatest marketing stunt in the history of humanity.

Instead, they've pledged to give half to some of their favorite charities, and some of you are acting as if it's a crime against humanity.

He's been a staunch and consistent advocate for the overall betterment of humanity.

I'm sick, sick, sick to death of the president issuing denials while they keep building more and more infrastructure against humanity.

But every drug or device or surgery needs someone to be first, and a few brave risk takers could both benefit their own health and push humanity forward.

" Gendered language aside, the idea of the founders was clearly that rights derive from one's innate humanity, and do not derive from government largess.

You are missing out on a treasure trove of knowledge humanity has collated over centuries, just to hack away and reinvent the wheel by yourself...well, good luck with that.

This sounds impressive, but having a bunch of racks able to classify the outline of a face is vastly disconnected from machine and humanity merging.

I believe in Free Software so much that I will use nothing else, and publicly and harshly declare that anyone doing otherwise is a moron and a traitor to the future of humanity"?

I think that was a good thing because it established the principle that joining an organization does not absolve you from higher duties towards your fellow citizens or humanity at large.

""Every time he comes to know something new, he wants to know everything about it," [his wife] says.- Love of humanity, on some level at least:"Anyone with an MBA would immediately accumulate the maximum money.

Humanity definitions


the quality of being humane


the quality of being human; "he feared the speedy decline of all manhood"

See also: humanness manhood


all of the living human inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women"

See also: world humankind humans mankind