Homunculus in a sentence as a noun

Create a mechanism that keeps the pilot's head and body in the same orientation as the homunculus head and body.

" Did I fail to generate a proposition such that your internal theory of mind, or inner homunculus, do not perceive it?

Youre not a little homunculus in your body, driving it around, looking out Terminator-style through your eyes.

The mechanism pictured in the linked article -- take that homunculus, fit it with lots of strain gauges, and attach it to a full body haptic feedback harness mounted on a gimbal.

It's not a matter of a simple machine with a little homunculus pulling at levers, it's a conscious part married to a whole lot of little unconscious parts.

The UI could have been more...I can't think of the word but "homunculus" comes to mind, that is, the knobs and interactive elements could have been larger, while retaining the visual aesthetic of the originals.

For example, on the human sensory homunculus, the representation for the feet and toes are located right beside the representation for the genitals.

Asking for a better level of explanation is not at all similar to staking out room for an extra-material homunculus type consciousness.

I guess it's not your fault for reading the author's anthropomorphized metaphor and thinking "homunculus", particularly if you have no familiarity with Crick and Koch's project.

In particular I liked that it didn't go the typical Hollywood idea of AI as being a "soul/homunculus conjured into a machine" but rather a very effective decision-making agent.

A homunculus is a homunculus, but nevertheless Searle's Chinese Room is perhaps a bit more radical - not so much conceptually but rather because it was proposed in contradiction to a well entrenched belief system - behaviorism.

I find it interesting to think about eyesight in the same way -- even though an image is projected onto our retinas, there's not a little homunculus looking at our retinas to see the image; it gets translated into electrical signals that our brain interprets.

Build one of those into the center of gravity of a 50 foot tall hydraulically actuated mechanical body, and add mechanisms ensuring that the orientation of the harness homunculus is always the same as the orientation of the giant mech homunculus.

Homunculus definitions


a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal

See also: manikin mannikin


a tiny fully formed individual that (according to the discredited theory of preformation) is supposed to be present in the sperm cell