Homespun in a sentence as a noun

There are some homespun mobile versions around the web, but they don't seem kosher.

Ah, but farmers don't take these subsidies and stuff them in their homespun mattresses.

That video from Microsoft is just sloppy, not frugal or homespun.

EBay, by way of contrast, had a look that could be charitably described as "homespun.

You'd rather maintain a complete homespun project than maintain a fork of an existing one?

Maybe use cron instead of your homespun scheduling system to launch these separate processes.

Homespun in a sentence as an adjective

* doesn't mean your RNG is random but it's more likely to be random them a homespun solution, unless you are an RNG expert.

I also want to add one more thing, 'farmers' as a category is not your salt of the earth, homespun family anymore.

"I'm not going to continue my analysis because this is an old, tired road, and full of little homespun essays like this which are supposed to make us take sides.

Programmers ported it to other languages because they liked the idea and wanted to see it thrive -- I've used the PHP port in many homespun web apps over the years.

I find the for Dummies books nearly unusable due to the evident required number of puns and homespun regular folks observations between every bit of actual technical info.

Greatest intellectuals of his time were writing essays on him, images of a thin old man, wearing just a homespun cloth marching on streets, giving speeches to keep restraint and never to submit co operate to bend to the British.

Homespun definitions


a rough loosely woven fabric originally made with yarn that was spun at home


of textiles; having a rough surface; "a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns"

See also: nubby nubbly slubbed tweedy


characteristic of country life; "cracker-barrel philosophy"; "folksy humor"; "the air of homespun country boys"

See also: cracker-barrel folksy


made of cloth spun or woven in the home; "homespun linen"; "homespun garments"