Hoity-toity in a sentence as an adjective

That you can buy designer jeans for $500 doesn't make all jeans hoity-toity.

Golfing simply isn't as hoity-toity as it used to be.

It's simply the case that technical writing aims at plainness, and 'to author' is a bit hoity-toity.

People who buy hoity-toity "designer fashion" items are paying for those D&G or whatever letters on the item.

Every single podcast he tried was some hoity-toity artsy interview cast.

I love the polite, hoity-toity tone of the euphemisms used for some of the more horrible functions: "Please go here", "Visit ground", "Kiss off", "Be punckish"

Those hoity-toity hand-holding languages have spoiled me, and now I don't want to be bothered about memory management and other "trivia.

!Kids these days, with your fixed-size arrays and your static strings and your global variables and your hoity-toity region analyses.

Take George Carlin's rant on reducing the ten commandments to two, remove his inflection, focus on the words, and that could easily be some dick's attempting a hoity-toity statement about religion with no humor whatsoever.

I wrote the tweets featured in the article and thought I'd chime in with a few more thoughts...I think flat design is inclusive design, that is, it's not hoity-toity, impossible-to-execute, beautifully 3D-rendered and textured expensive design.

I don't like them either but honestly, it's such a great idea theoretically...we're all accustomed to the pattern of a box with moving images, since at least e 1960s...and we also know the frustration of cramming a variety of content into a screen size worth of real estate...so why wouldn't a web carousel work?Unlike other flawed design patterns, such as horizontal scrolling or a reliance on mouseover popups, it's hard to assert, without referring to "studies", why the carousel is just bad in a way that doesn't sound like I'm only stating my hoity-toity developer preferences.

Hoity-toity definitions


affectedly genteel

See also: grandiose hifalutin highfalutin highfaluting la-di-da