Hobo in a sentence as a noun

Here were my reactions, roughly in order:* Why would they show a hobo on the home page?

It creates a "hobo highway" in which my female friends now avoid because it is filled with bums.

So basically you live like a leech or a hobo, bumming on other peoples couches.

Is the new symbol an attempt at some contrived post-millenial hobo code?

I do it much less now; for whatever reason, the folks I pass these days always seem to be effectively hobos.

This is just like a hobo saying "rgbrenner didn't give me $5 last time I asked him, this is why gay people cannot get married".

Traveler kids who go to hobo gatherings would never be caught dead at a rainbow gathering.

In the picture, the hobo is giving the middle finger, and the card usually says something like "happy birthday, go **** yourself.

The "Physical ethernet cable" that is used by traditional manufacturers can be done by any hobo on the street, in pretty much the same time.

The urge to dress like a hobo, swear all the time, and flame everyone in sight is a classic overcompensation for years of helicopter parenting which forbade all of these things.

To further clarify, a tramp is someone who travels around but works only if/when he has to, a hobo is someone who travels around mainly looking for work and a bum is someone who does neither.

They're the ones who will change languages or frameworks according to what's fashionable, rat-hole the team on fun but irrelevant projects, and not talk to you unless you dress like a hobo and swear like a sailor.

Hobo definitions


a disreputable vagrant; "a homeless tramp"; "he tried to help the really down-and-out bums"

See also: tramp