Hitting in a sentence as a noun

I guess I learned that hitting delete would be worse.

If you emailed me those posts, I'd be hitting unsubscribe in half a day.

Maybe try thinking "what if someone wrote this to/about me" before hitting Submit.

I've watched it blitz trees in a deep valley over and over again without hitting the peaks once.

However, the fire did not start spontaneously - it was caused by the driver hitting a large piece of metal debris in the road.

Printed report tells assorted stories of daily activity periods, odd events, heart rate hitting programmed thresholds, etc.

They know that the **** hitting the fan can potentially be very expensive, so they will go to extreme lengths to prevent any possibility of that happening.

For the opening shot of Armageddon with the astroid hitting earth I used 20,000 point lights to represent secondary debris reentering the atmosphere.

Mental abuse is no better than physical abuse, and given I don't buy that hitting developers with sticks makes them "better" somehow I'm also not going to buy into clue-by-four beatings being any better.

Hitting definitions


the act of contacting one thing with another; "repeated hitting raised a large bruise"; "after three misses she finally got a hit"

See also: striking