Hippocampus in a sentence as a noun

Because then you'd just be doubling the load on your hippocampus again.

While doing dissections I separate the hippocampus from the cortex.

Exercise has been linked to neuron growth in the hippocampus and new nerve cell survival rates.

"The hippocampus stores short-term memories, while the prefrontal cortex is our long-term memory bank.

Sure, we both share stereotyped architecture: we both have a hippocampus, a cerebral cortex, a cerebellum, etc etc.

For instance, the hippocampus is like a hash table, storing each memory relatively cleanly and in isolation, but can only be accessed with exactly the cue.

What if a team of scientists cryopreserved a bit of rat hippocampus, then warmed and re-fused it, and couldn't distinguish the cryopreserved cells from control cells?These have all been done in the past decade.

********* affects the hippocampus, and our ability to form memories while under the influence of the drug - this can be a positive in some contexts and a negative in others.

The hippocampus is where long term memories are stored, the prefrontal cortex is involved in working memory, planning and evaluating action outcomes and a bunch of other things we have barely figured out.

There is evidence to believe that sleep **** in mental maintenance and the encoding + consolidation of memories - moving them from the lower level hippocampus to the higher level neocortex.

Not only did this single shot normalize cerebellum size through adulthood, it also resulted in improved cognitive abilities usually associated with the hippocampus.

The excised tissue included most of the sea-horse-shaped structure called the hippocampus, as well as the parahippocampal gyrus, the uncus, the anterior temporal cortex, and the almond-shaped amygdala.

Hippocampus definitions


a complex neural structure (shaped like a sea horse) consisting of grey matter and located on the floor of each lateral ventricle; intimately involved in motivation and emotion as part of the limbic system; has a central role in the formation of memories



See also: Hippocampus