Highlight in a sentence as a noun

For many of them, the trip to LV is the highlight of their year.

When people see that I highlight text while I'm reading, they always want to know what practical reason it serves.

I want to highlight one part of my blog post no one's picked up on: "some engineer actually wrote code to deliberately break document sharing on the web.

I get the point he's trying to make, but he's not making it well -- and this is where I begin to really understand TED's decision not to highlight his video on their front page.

For a long time the New York Times had a javascript thing that would pop up a dictionary reference for anything you double clicked on. As someone who compulsively doubleclicks to highlight and unhighlight, it bugged the **** out of me.

Highlight in a sentence as a verb

But it's an extremely valuable use of those resources to highlight the broader issues at play and put some human empathy, so often sorely missing, back in to the debate.

Thought I’d highlight my favorite, perhaps non-obvious feature: the ***** of the charts tells you whether the variable is positively or negatively correlated with the cost of buying.

By providing pourover bars with $12 ceramic funnels in place of $50K espresso machines or $10K brewers, baristas strived for perfect coffee through individuality, as they highlighted method, bean, and flavor.

"This is a soundly reasoned decision that is a highlight of modern law not so much because of any deep legal reasoning as such but because it profoundly captures and applies the spirit of the law in ways that comport with modern technological advancement.

Highlight definitions


the most interesting or memorable part; "the highlight of the tour was our visit to the Vatican"


an area of lightness in a picture

See also: highlighting


move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; "The introduction highlighted the speaker's distinguished career in linguistics"

See also: foreground spotlight


apply a highlighter to one's cheeks or eyebrows in order to make them more prominent; "highlight the area above your eyebrows"