Foreground in a sentence as a noun

If you use chrome, the tab in the foreground lays on top of the other tabs, so it is clearer.

You can be upset about things in background and still have a wonderful happy life in foreground.

The keychain will always be available in the foreground.

I keep them 80% opaque in the foreground, and drop it down to 75% opaque for inactive windows.

You have used a background that is not only relevant, but is high-contrast colors and blurred, which creates a "foreground" out of your form.

For what it's worth, iOS 8 has separate permissions for foreground and background location usage.

Foreground in a sentence as a verb

Very minor in this video, I wonder how it would affect more intricate backgrounds or those that aren't such contrasting colours to the foreground?

At the beginning it's easier to reason about a foreground process than some daemonized process.- Install postgres or whatever database you use to your VPS.

" Every time I was in an even remotely romantic situation after that, my regrets would be foreground in my mind, instead of being present to the situation I was in.

Unless there's a way to dynamically switch focus to "on" for multiple windows, but then that would get messy quite quickly when you can't tell whether something is in the background or foreground, active or inactive.

Why would they need to post a clearly 'shopped picture of a building that already exists unless they were hiding something?The actual building's windows are all painted over and that tree in the foreground does not exist.

Sure, this gives you more realistic looking results out of the box, but it doesn't mean you don't have to sculpt and massage and tune your lighting to achieve the artistic result you want, especially for interiors, or scenes with characters in the foreground.

Foreground definitions


the part of a scene that is near the viewer


(computer science) a window for an active application


move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; "The introduction highlighted the speaker's distinguished career in linguistics"

See also: highlight spotlight