Hierarch in a sentence as a noun

This will have huge ripple effects on the male status hierarchy.

We may be approaching a time when we can break free of hierarchy, but I do not think we are there yet.

Most sane languages [3] give you exception hierarchy.

More along the lines of that joke about "wifi" being added at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy.

We already have routing built into the semantics of the white listing hierarch.

Upvoted just for this absolute gem:[...] it also depends on where you are on Maslows hierarchy of needs.

Workflowy is great for quick, structured, hierarchical note taking.

Yes, it is important to avoid bias that results from the perceptions of men higher up in the hierarchy.

Not a full rewrite, mind you, but Qt redid piles of classes, methods, and hierarchy, and Gtk+ introduced glib, reworked signalling, themes, and tons else I'm forgetting.

Didn't mean that having no exceptions is insane - but that if a language has exceptions, the sane thing to do is to organize them in a hierarchy with a single root.

So the tree structure will usually give the system good fan out just because few users will wish to manage a direct list of more than 50 or 100 and will therefore access the system through several layers of hierarchy.

Why do you think modern CPUs still expose mostly C-abstract-machine-like interface instead of their actual out-of-order, pipelined, heterogeneous-memory-hierarch-ied internal workings?

>> Why do you think modern CPUs still expose mostly C-abstract-machine-like interface instead of their actual out-of-order, pipelined, heterogeneous-memory-hierarch-ied internal workings?Because exposing that would be a huge burden on the compiler writers.

Hierarch definitions


a person who holds a high position in a hierarchy


a senior clergyman and dignitary

See also: archpriest prelate primate