Heresy in a sentence as a noun

The expressed point of view is heresy on HN, so your point is not that far-fetched.

A minor heresy: If you're doing it right, there won't be a coding challenge at the job interview.

There are factions within this heresy too, and a lot of argumentation.

But to do so is heresy for these people....selecting columns from the database that you do not use is just not done, full stop.

I am a firm believer and follower of concise eloquence so avoiding calling a spade a spade is akin to heresy.

"Actually what it says is that placebo ingredients should be documented in studies, and regulated by the FDA. Why is that such heresy?

I think they are wrong, and that the balance of evidence clearly points in the other direction, but as I said this is a heresy with enough advocates that they are not just ignored.

When people are being unrealistically positive and rejecting criticism like its some sort of heresy, Tesla becomes an easy target to shoot at.

A minor heresy: most valuable programming involves a lot more gluing together libraries than it involves classical algorithms.

Heresy definitions


any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position

See also: unorthodoxy heterodoxy


a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion

See also: unorthodoxy