Hematoma in a sentence as a noun

Boxing is probably the most likely to cause long term trauma like hematomas.

$1,000 for any hematoma, $5000 or any broken bone.

I’ve also woken up during surgery to remove a hematoma.

My older son had severe jaundice due in part to the hematoma caused by use of a vacuum extractor during a difficult birth.

His death certificate states that the cause of death was "blunt impact injury of head with epidural hematoma"

Man, I bet it's even higher than 70%.I was in the hospital in February, and I asked the nurse how much it would cost to drain a subungual hematoma.

All kinds of medical expertise have value in different contexts; you don't want to pay a brain surgeon to treat a minor cut, but nor you do want the camp counselor to operate on your subdural hematoma.

Emergency providers are in a bit of a quandary as they must choose between the possibility of missing a subdural hematoma on a patient refusing care and facing a wrongful death lawsuit, and facing a lawsuit for unlawful imprisonment and assault.

Hematoma definitions


a localized swelling filled with blood

See also: haematoma