Heaviness in a sentence as a noun

Heavy things make it harder to float, that's what heaviness sort of means.

On the upside, the "heaviness" makes it look "more serious".

Isn't the "heaviness" of Go's threads due to do with how the thread stacks are allocated, not so much with how the threads are scheduled?

I'm talking rMBP display quality and thickness heaviness.

Google is penalizing sites that violate their standards of top-heaviness.

One of the most visually offensive things about a lot of communist architecture is top-heaviness.

This came about out of a desire to build a semantically correct framework, without the heaviness of Foundation & Bootstrap etc, and with baseline aligned typography and forms.

"The most damning fact revealed in the paper is not the extreme top-heaviness of the Bitcoin ownership pyramid, but rather the elaborate lengths to which the hoarders went in order to conceal their existence from rank and file users.

Heaviness definitions


the property of being comparatively great in weight; "the heaviness of lead"

See also: weightiness


persisting sadness; "nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss"


an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency; "a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness"; "his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition"

See also: ponderousness


used of a line or mark

See also: thickness


unwelcome burdensome difficulty

See also: burdensomeness onerousness oppressiveness