Headstone in a sentence as a noun

No need to have patent troll written all over your headstone.

Enter your name to play; when you die the game's graveyard gets a new headstone.

I'm at the circus graveyard right now and there is no headstone for Morty Smith!

The base is a very slow 3D printer, constantly extruding a headstone.

I could see people being attracted to the idea of a custom headstone at a lower price than the sculptor could provide.

The headstone of every engineer should read "that looks pretty straightforward.

One of the problems with headstone engravings is they erode and become unreadable.

The Pakistani government removed "Muslim" and left only his name on the headstone.

You can erect the headstone when you can do everything in the cloud ... at 40,000 feet over the middle of the Pacific, without horrendous latency issues.

I wonder if as 3D printing technology improves and spreads, will we see more plastic headstones by virtue of the fact they can be reasonably easily custom made?

To sum up:The following words will mark the headstone of the Great Champion America we all think we're a part of, but in reality hasn't existed in quite some time: "A better life for my children.

I am fairly certain that this will eventually mostly be used for advertising, $1000 for a headstone without a QR code or $900 for a headstone 90% of the surface covered by a QR code linking to a targeted offer.

Six years ago I stood above my twin daughters' headstone, somehow still thinking about a work project I had going on, and all of the drama was completely ridiculous compared to the big picture of life, family, and normal relationships.

Headstone definitions


the central building block at the top of an arch or vault

See also: keystone


a stone that is used to mark a grave

See also: gravestone tombstone