Harmonized in a sentence as an adjective

From regulation to shipping cost, there are a lot of things that need to be harmonized.

They contain language stating that individual countries' laws must be "harmonized" to the terms of the agreement.

But when everything has to be harmonized, it's rare for anyone to question why the policies we're harmonizing with are in place.

With harmonized payment infrastructures and harmonized legal regimes this should be trivial to implement...

Many details of the implementation are different in the individual states of the EU, since the health sector has so far not been harmonized.

Please note that the case was not appealed, certain questions were remanded to the European Court of Justice for it to decide sine the applicable rules are harmonized within the EU.

It doesn't seem like a real contradiction it can be easily harmonized as an ironic way of saying they were identical, but he wanted there to be some difference.

It would be nice to force adoption of harmonized tax laws as a prerequisite for being eligible to receive internet taxes, but it would be difficult to come up with a set of laws that appealed to everyone.

While our system has a bias at every level towards 2-big-coalitions, having only two harmonized national brands doesn't offer sufficient competitive diversity.

My main problem with the way that copyright law has been "harmonized" between different countries is that the "harmonization" is always done by increasing the copyright restrictions of the freer country, rather than by loosening the copyright restrictions of the less-free country.

If you don't face similar ambiguities in your job description, it's because there's a manager somewhere up the org chart who did all the messy work of listening to what everybody else wanted and somehow harmonized it all into something halfway buildable.

Harmonized definitions


involving or characterized by harmony

See also: consonant harmonic harmonical harmonised