Harbinger in a sentence as a noun

I'm wondering if this is harbinger of Codeplex's doom very soon.

Just that one aspect of this box seems like highly innovative and hopefully a harbinger of things to come in the PC world.

As much as I acknowledge this display's weaknesses, I see it as a harbinger of some long overdue innovation.

I'm not sure that having big dreams and a news-focused mission is necessarily a harbinger of success.

That budget measure, however, did not include a single GOP vote, a harbinger of the lack of bipartisanship to come.

Harbinger in a sentence as a verb

Lincoln was the harbinger of consolidation of federal power in the office of the President.

"Third, there isn't anything concrete to get - the NSA isn't an evil, demonic institution sent here as a harbinger of the apocalypse.

They see layoffs as 'cleaning house' and 'cutting expenses' but the reality is that while that can be true, it more often is a harbinger that the company is not well run.

To wit: the recession and slow recovery of the last couple of years are just that, a recession and slow recovery--they aren't a harbinger to the end of capitalism or conventional labor or employment.

Harbinger definitions


something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

See also: forerunner predecessor herald precursor


foreshadow or presage

See also: announce annunciate foretell herald