Happenstance in a sentence as a noun

The chances of mixing those chemicals by happenstance just "to see what would happen"..?

I do it quite frequently when some joyous happenstance comes my way or when I spend a bit too much on myself.

Some things did have to go to enable the new ways, but some are also the victims of happenstance and circumstance.

That the glow works on a form is by happenstance, I'd suppose, as that was the original inspiration.

Thanks to smartphones, I already have pictures of my daughter almost every day, just by happenstance.

Simple scholarly random happenstance, or post WW-II reality on the ground?

Two thirds of it is a square, a nice economical happenstance resulting from the golden rectangle.

"We're seeing more and more of this kind of thing, and people need to realize that you can't build something sustainable by relying on the happenstance goodwill of some arbitrary API provider.

Happenstance definitions


an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental

See also: coincidence