Hangnail in a sentence as a noun

What we are going through right now is like a hangnail compared to your entire foot being ripped off.

You go in when you have an infected hangnail, not wait until you have blood poisoning.

Quite a few "doc in the box" urgent care clinics will be happy to bill you $1,200 for your out-of-network hangnail procedure.

To escalate, I would have had to go to security, which would be like complaining about a hangnail to an axe murderer.

A "serious possibility" of a hangnail is 80%.

All of this nonsense is exactly because everyone expects insurance to pay for all medical care from hangnail to heart failure.

If a hangnail is that bad, the local supermarket or pharmacy seems a more sensible source for the remedy than Amazon, no?

The difference is the US, you basically need a job, or else you're one broken ankle, complex childbirth, or infected hangnail away from complete financial ruin.

The problems we're having in the West, even today, are a hangnail compared to the societal-structural issues currently facing mainland China.

Hangnail definitions


a loose narrow strip of skin near the base of a fingernail; tearing it produces a painful sore that is easily infected

See also: agnail