Hammering in a sentence as a noun

Try hammering a nail with the palm of your hand.

Git feels like its developers asked no questions at all and started hammering out what made sense to them.

They're nice machines - I have one with a cursive font that gives me a headache from the hammering noise whenever I use it.

*Input lag is something Carmack et al. keep hammering home for game developers.

It was bigger, since it had a bunch of heap stored, but it was better than hammering away on your CPU at 1 million instructions per second.

Heaven help me if I were to pick something that was diplomatically sensitive and start hammering on it.

Even if the other side is totally wrong, hammering that fact in is rhetorically counter-productive.

Why is he using scryptenc_buf when crypto_scrypt does what he wants?I gave him a toolbox which contained a screwdriver and a hammer, and he seems to be complaining that the screwdriver isn't very good at hammering nails.

Superior candidates are good at rapidly trying good normal and edge cases, hammering out a good solution, and writing inspired code when given hints at how to improve their solutions.

In the ten years that have passed, "security politicians" have been relentlessly hammering this restriction in the hope that it will fall[1].So far they haven't been successful, but who knows what the future brings.

In this context, it's reasonable for the interviewer to take the mathematician's word for it rather than hammering away at a pedantic detail that may or may not be relevant.

When I'm talking with someone over dinner, we're not hammering out a contract that requires precision, we're having a conversation over ideas, and as funny as it sounds, facts aren't as important as the spirit of the conversation.

It's just made me realize how horrible it's always been to use them, hammering away at the arrow keys, using the mouse way more often than should be necessary, spending time on fixing whitespace that should be spent writing codeā€¦Then there's the fact that Emacs really isn't an editor.

Hammering definitions


the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows); "the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard"; "the pounding of feet on the hallway"

See also: hammer pound pounding