Hairpiece in a sentence as a noun

Shape the discourse with simplifications, red herrings, wild goose chases and The Donald's hairpiece.

Meanwhile, the effective hairpieces slip by you undetected.

A ton of actors and media personalities in general use hairpieces or get hair transplants.

A huge number of celebrities, who serve as the model for what men "should" look like, either use hairpieces or have undergone hair replacement surgery.

This has me picturing a community of people wearing identical "male"/"female" plastic hairpieces and massive fake smiles, under constant surveillance.

The value of donated hair when applied to actual hairpieces provided to children relied on a projection, not actual processing and manufacturing costs...92% of the charity’s expenses allocated to program costs.

Whether you notice your combover on the day you lose your first three hairs, or ten years too late, the solutions are the same and are pretty simple: Get a better haircut that doesn't try to hide your baldness, shave yourself bald and embrace the baldness, or buy a hairpiece.

Hairpiece definitions


a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment

See also: postiche