Haemoglobin in a sentence as a noun

I work suggest trying to understand how the haemoglobin protein works...

If fetal haemoglobin could grab more oxygen it would benefit people with low lung function.

A seal, as I understand it, has extremely haemoglobin rich blood and stores all its oxygen there for the dive.

Also, while there is red liquid, what's the chances it contains actual viable DNA, rather than what amount to DNA fragments and a bit of haemoglobin?

Half-life of nitric oxide in aqueous solutions with and without haemoglobin.

If you say "Bob is always wrong about biochemistry, so he's probably wrong about this claim about haemoglobin", that's not AdHom either.

A device that can test the blood to find out amount of haemoglobin, essential minerals, sugar, cholesterol, urea, water etc.

I tried googling "texas mosquitoes oil drilling" and variants, but didn't find anything.>"Why, one species even secretes an enzyme to dissolve the organic matter in blood leaving only the iron in haemoglobin.

Contrary to popular belief expelling too much carbon dioxide is actually not good for you due to the Bhor Effect, which basically says that oxygen cant be released from haemoglobin to cells in our body without enough carbon dioxide.

"We have developed an extracorporeal pulsatile-perfusion system and a haemoglobin-based, acellular, non-coagulative, echogenic, and cytoprotective perfusate that promotes recovery from anoxia, reduces reperfusion injury, prevents oedema, and metabolically supports the energy requirements of the brain.

Haemoglobin definitions


a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color; function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues; "fish have simpler hemoglobin than mammals"

See also: hemoglobin