Habituate in a sentence as a verb

Those who can, do. Those who can't habituate dating sites.

I've mostly seen people break when they only do things one way, and habituate to believe other ways are wrong or bad.

Yeah, I've had an MRI and was told there was nothing obvious and to habituate it, which by then I already had.

One way to deal with anxiety is to flood your system with it.. habituate to it.. and you will stop caring and harden your shell.

What people tend to do instead is habituate some more than others and consequently become better at some more than others.

It says:> A hypothesis suggests that, female birds may habituate to the common songs over time, and that drives the male bird to adopt novel songs to maintain female's interest.

If I understand the "Lurking" review, it would be by focusing on skeevey attention/reward patterns to habituate interaction in online communities.

The reason that I think this is as follows:This notion helps to habituate partisan zealotry, which allows individuals to have their attention captured for profit, and makes them more manipulatable.

It's only when these people hear or read something which is not in harmony with their habituated mind control that they react poorly, shunting the mind control directly into their emotions, bypassing critical thought.

In the cockroach the neurons connecting the antenna to the rest of the brain are very simple and can be habituated by just stimulating them to release neurotransmitters over and over again.

Essentially you want a UI that the user can habituate to as strongly as possible, so that all one's attention can be focused on the actual task and all of the administrivia you need to do tell the computer your intention are handled subconsciously.

It is not the least service which a college or university may render to those under its instruction, to habituate them to looking not only patiently but methodically on both sides, before adopting any conclusion upon controverted issues.

While cooperatives cannot achieve the emancipation of the laboring masses under the present socioeconomic conditions, it nevertheless has this advantage, that cooperation can habituate the workers to organize themselves to conduct their own affairs..."~ Bakunin

Habituate definitions


take or consume (regularly or habitually); "She uses drugs rarely"


make psychologically or physically used (to something); "She became habituated to the background music"

See also: accustom