Groin in a sentence as a noun

Also, I hate to think why the horse's groin would also be sore.

Who would say "lighten up" to somebody whose groin was groped?

****, I'd let my boss kick me in groin every day if it meant I got her salary.

Everything about Windows 8 to me just feels like a kick in the groin from Microsoft.

"While Emily was visiting family I had started to develop some pain in my groin.

I opted out or chose a lane without a scanner for a long time until they implemented the new groin-feeling pat down.

Groin in a sentence as a verb

Then add them all up, all those groin-squeezing, stomach-tensing shrieks of pain, and feel them all at once, hour after hour, and day after day.

That and this sad kicking in the groin of a system that's working through technology issues as it should:Democrats in Congress would go further.

He hopes that Yahoo wins the patent fight so that Facebook's lobbyists and the public backlash hit the current patent process firmly in the groin.

But if I'm wrestling a guy and he slips on a wet spot on the mat and tears a groin muscle and is laying on the mat writhing in pain, should I jump on him and try to score a quick pin?

Would you be giggling if a grown man approached your wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter on a train and thrusted his groin onto her backside?The use of the term sexual assault is probably a bit neglectful here, but I doubt that's what he's charged with.

Another which boils erupt under the armpits,...a third form in which people of both sexes are attacked in the groin....And this form is the most dangerous of all these terrible things, which is to say that it is the most contagious, for when one infected person dies everyone who saw him during his illness, visited him, had any dealings with him, or carried him to burial, immediately follows him, without any remedy.

Groin definitions


the crease at the junction of the inner part of the thigh with the trunk together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals

See also: inguen


a curved edge formed by two intersecting vaults


a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away

See also: breakwater groyne mole bulwark seawall jetty


build with groins; "The ceiling was groined"