Grinding in a sentence as a noun

They are going to grind on this with everything they've got like they are grinding on core search.

You tend to find yourself grinding for work, which you then have to offer competitive prices for.

However, our molars are still meant for ripping and not flat for grinding like a herbivore's.

In court the judge admonished them for grinding up on underage girls on their surveillance videos.

A whole swarm of them grinding through a work queue in random order is great; using them as the backbone of your web presence will have pain points.

Their systems tend to make more use of grinding and physically breaking down plant fibers to get at the sugars in the material.

Our jaws provide vertical movement like a carnivore, not rotary grinding motions like a herbivore.

I hit the level cap, and even though they eventually came out with a second cap, the idea of grinding made no sense when the auction house existed.

In just over a decade, I've seen several hundred million people come out of absolutely grinding poverty into a lifestyle which is still poor but not truly deprived; I've seen several hundred million more acquire a standard of living that -- considering the difference in purchasing parity power -- is perfectly in line with first-world norms.

Grinding definitions


material resulting from the process of grinding; "vegetable grindings clogged the drain"


a harsh and strident sound (as of the grinding of gears)


the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice

See also: abrasion attrition detrition