Grilling in a sentence as a noun

I don't think I ever made it through with less than five minutes of solid grilling.

Interviews would be a complete grilling of which I excelled and shone above and with that got the work.

That's very different from grilling someone about b-trees, though.

But it really stuck with me, probably just out of my young age and the authority of a city official grilling me.

" Wouldn't you think there is some value in giving the startup founders the chance to present things in the way that makes sense to them, before starting with the grilling?

I had people try and catch me on whether Kirkland was on the east or west side of Lake Washington; deep grilling on the specific chinese buns we ate; it goes on and on.

However, as soon as I think about applying at a "trendy" start up, I envision someone grilling me for hours to hand write sorting algorithms on a white board.

This mentions 'anger' as in "After a full day of wild speculation and anger, the LA press have finally tracked down Nakamoto and he’s receiving a grilling.

Opposing counsel will also spend hours grilling witnesses, looking for inconsistencies and references to documents that haven't been produced.

"Or, when it talks about automatic coffee makers, it omits the full context "... next heating water and converting it to coffee; toasting bread; frying, poaching or scrambling eggs, grilling bacon, and so on.

Are you paying these applicants for the time they spend jumping through these hoops?And if your "technical grilling" fails to identify strong candidates, you're obviously asking the wrong questions or, at the very least, not asking the right ones.

Grilling definitions


cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)

See also: broil broiling