Grief in a sentence as a noun

Good grief, some of you folks take yourself way too seriously.

In the world we actually live in, K-san was given grief by many co-workers.

As the OP of the HN thread in question, the response then saddened me. But that pales in comparison to the grief I feel now.

Anything else will cause untold grief for you and fellow data scientists and programmers.

But I promise you that people in grief see absolutely no distinction between the death and the loss of the person they mourn.

In particular, I think it's somewhat amusing that people are giving him grief for wanting to "jump to C as soon as possible.

> Good grief, did we learn nothing from GhandiCivil disobedience is greater than violence?

It is that he expressed it in a horrendously, gratuitously crass and offensive way. Here is a transliteration into humane language of what he said:"My heart goes out to Steve Jobs' family in their time of grief.

The system that I've been using has worked well for almost forty years; but recently I have had to close three checking accounts, and the criminal attacks on those accounts have caused significant grief to my bankers.

Grief definitions


intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death)

See also: heartache heartbreak brokenheartedness


something that causes great unhappiness; "her death was a great grief to John"

See also: sorrow